Administrative Adjudication is a proceeding in front of a hearing officer who listens to evidence presented by the City of St. Charles and by the accused who then makes a determination of liability or non-liability. Such hearings can be utilized for non-criminal offenses that are punishable only by fine. The hearing officer is an attorney licensed by the State of Illinois. Illinois statutes allow for an appeal of the hearing officer’s determination in the circuit court.
These hearings allow the accused to present their case in a less formal atmosphere where the strict rules of evidence in the circuit court do not necessarily apply. The hearings are held at City of St. Charles buildings, making them much more accessible than the circuit court, and are designed for a fair and efficient disposition of an alleged ordinance violation.
Administrative Adjudication Hearings When: Third Thursday of the month, at 5:30 p.m. Where: Community Room at the Police Station, 1515 W. Main Street, St. Charles, IL 60174
Building & Code Enforcement Contact 630.377.4406
Police Contact 630.377.4435