Before the City can issue a building permit for exterior changes to buildings within a Historic District or Landmark Site(PDF, 2MB) , the St. Charles Zoning Ordinance requires the Historic Preservation Commission to review the proposed work and issue a “Certificate of Appropriateness” (also known as a “COA”).
The Historic Preservation Commission uses ordinance criteria to assess the effect of each project on the historic character of a specific building or site. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Commission to follow the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, a list of guiding principles developed by the federal government to be interpreted and applied locally by the Commission.
The review criteria, along with other information regarding a COA review, can be found in the COA Application form(PDF, 542KB).
The complete Historic Preservation Ordinance can be viewed in the City Codebook.
The Commission has also developed Design Guidelines documents to assist property owners with planning projects.
Property owners are encouraged to consult with the Historic Preservation Commission early in the design process to receive informal feedback and technical assistance. The Commission can direct you to resources that may save you time and money.
The Historic Preservation Commission meets the first and third Wednesday of every month, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Center. If you would like to have your project reviewed informally by the Commission, or if you have other questions on the requirements for a Certificate of Appropriateness, please contact the Community Development Department at or (630) 377-4443.
Community Development (630) 377-4443
Forms, Permits & Applications
Meetings & Minutes
COA Brochure(PDF, 376KB)
COA Application Form(PDF, 542KB)
COA Administrative Approval List(PDF, 114KB)
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