
The City of St. Charles’ Water Division is responsible for providing safe water to the 35,000 customers we serve. With 8 full-time employees, the Water Division maintains seven water supply wells, six storage reservoirs, 200 miles of water main, over 3,000 valves, and 2900 fire hydrants and 12,337 domestic service connections and meters. The water supply is chlorinated and fluoridated as required by State and federal Regulations. Information regarding water quality can be found in the Consumer Confidence Water Quality Report. Presently, water usage averages about 4.5 million gallons per day.

As a matter of good practice and prudent management the Water Utility recently completed a Ten Year Master Plan(PDF, 27MB)  which is used by the Utility as a steering document and to help ensure that the Utility is on the correct course for the next decade.