Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement works with citizens to resolve issues that impact the quality of life in St. Charles, including violations of the Zoning Ordinance and Property Maintenance Code. Enforcement is accomplished by routine inspections of commercial and residential areas, as well as by responding to citizen complaints. Typical issues addressed by Code Enforcement include signs, vehicles parked illegally on private property, accumulation of trash/garbage, lack of building maintenance, tall grass or weeds, and work without a building permit.

Violation Notices are issued by Code Enforcement to advise property owners of items observed that do not comply with City Code. Violations that are not corrected are sent to the City’s Administrative Adjudication hearing where a fine may be assessed.

Filling out the Code Enforcement Service Request Form is a convenient way to report a code violation to the City. When you fill out the online form, it will be assessed by our Code Enforcement team.