Alarm Permit

Alarm Permits

St. Charles City Ordinance Chapter 9.05 requires any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity to use, own or lease an alarm system or to be in control of a protected premises wherein an alarm system is operated or maintained without having first obtained a permit.

  • There is no cost to obtain an alarm permit.
  • A permit must be obtained for each separately addressed operating location.
  • All permits issued are valid indefinitely unless revoked.

Each notice to the Police Department of an activation of a burglary or robbery alarm where an alarm permit has not been obtained will result in a fine in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00).

Any alarm user permittee who has more than two (2) false alarms within a calendar year at a single location will be assessed fines according to the following fine schedule:

  • Three (3) false alarms: $25.00 fine per false alarm
  • Four (4) false alarms: $50.00 fine per false alarm
  • Five (5) false alarms: $100.00 fine per false alarm
  • Six (6) false alarms: $300.00 fine per false alarm
  • Seven (7) to ten (10) false alarms: $500.00 fine per false alarm