Solicitor Applications

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Chapter 5.36 of the St. Charles Municipal Code requires any individual soliciting for commercial purposes to obtain an approved registration from the Police Department. The St. Charles Police allows both commercial and charitable solicitation. A commercial solicitor badge issued by the St. Charles Police Department is not valid outside the city limits. Solicitor permits are not valid in unincorporated St. Charles Township or Campton Hills.

Guidelines for Solicitors and Handbill Distribution


  • Are required to register in writing with the Police Department and pay a non-refundable $50 fee.
  • Must display police issued solicitor badge prominently at all times.
  • Cannot begin to solicit until their registration has been reviewed by and approved by the Police Department.
  • Can only solicit  between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Soliciting cannot be conducted on Sundays and state/national holidays.
  • Must adhere to NO SOLICITING signs or postings.
  • Cannot solicit within 500 feet of an elementary or secondary school.

Handbills and Fliers

  • May be distributed to private premises, provided they are affixed (ex. doorknob).
  • May be handed to a willing recipient.
  • Cannot be posted on public property, be placed in or on mailboxes, left on or attached to automobiles on public or private property, left on private premises which are uninhabited or vacant.
  • Are not to contain information or material deemed to be objectionable or offensive.

Charitable Solicitors

  • No fee is required.
  • Service groups must provide a copy of the statement from the Attorney General's office that they are representing a compliant charity.
  • A completed Charitable Solicitor form must be completed (multiple solicitor names can be written on the one form).
  • Each individual soliciting must possess a valid driver’s license or state issued identification card.

Solicitor Application - Commercial


Solicitor Application - Charitable