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Update - 4/27/18

Weather delayed some work inside the station.  The 35kV feed to the station was energized the week of April 23.  Structural aluminum has been delivered and major electrical components are either on site, received and in City inventory, or on order with near term delivery.

Lakeshore Refuse & Recycling Information

As of September 10, Lakeshore Recycling Systems has sent out its initial bills for waste services to the residents of St. Charles.  These invoices will be for the months of July, August and September.  The next round of bills will be sent out at some point in mid-November.  That will cover the months of October, November and December.  Beyond that, Lakeshore will begin billing at the start of each quarter. 

Update - 04/20/18

The contractor will be completing pavement rejuvenation of Peck Road (from IL 38 to IL 64), Tyler Road (from IL 64 to Kirk Road) and Walnut Avenue (from S. 2nd Avenue to S. 5th Avenue) the week of April 23rd to April 27th, weather permitting. The roads will remain open during the process, but please drive cautiously and keep an eye out for temporary lane closures.

Forensic Unit

Property Room

The property room of the Police Department has two primary functions.  One is to maintain what is called a "chain of custody" for evidence in criminal cases.  The court rules require that evidence be stored in an area not accessible to anyone but a few, authorized Police Department personnel.  Any movement of the evidence to a detective investigating the crime, or to an officer that needs it for court, etc., must be documented.  To fail to perform either of these functions could cause the evidence to be inadmissible in court.
