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Update - Week of 9/2/24

Week of 9/2/24

There will be no work on the Labor Day holiday


Please note that this work is weather dependent and rain may result in rescheduling.

Starting at 5pm on Friday 9/6 Swenson will be closed to through traffic from Kautz road to approximately 1000 feet east of Stetson for base reclamation work. The intersection of Swenson and Stetson will be closed.

Work to take place is as follows.

Friday 9/6 – Remove 5” of asphalt

Saturday 9/7 – Reclaim the road by milling 12” of base and incorporating cement. The road will be then be graded and receive a coating of oil to maintain moisture.

Sunday 9/8 – Roadway remains closed to allow the base to cure.

Monday 9/9 – Contractor will pave the first layer of asphalt. The paving crew will work with businesses to provide employees access, but through traffic will still be restricted while paving is ongoing. It is anticipated that the road will be re-opened to traffic by early afternoon.

Curb and Sidewalk:

Concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveway removal and replacement will continue this week. Work impacting driveways will be done in such a way to maintain access while work is ongoing.


Contractor will continue storm sewer work and general site cleanup.

created Aug 29, 2024 updated Aug 29, 2024

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