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Update - 5/12/16

The contractor is wrapping up the landscape planting for this project and it is anticipated that the project will be completed shortly.  Once the project is completed, the City will monitor the establishment of the plant material for project acceptance.

Update - 5/9/16

The water tower contractor has finished the abrasive blast cleaning on the interior wet surfaces and is in the process of applying the prime coat to all the interior surfaces.  The painting of the exterior has begun and the contractor has started  to apply the intermediate coat to the exterior.  Painting will continue on both the interior and/or exterior depending on the weather conditions over the next several weeks, followed by final site work, landscaping and paving work.

Project Update for March 11, 2016

Martam Construction will be on site starting next week to finish the punch list items that could not be completed during the winter months, including adjustment of water service b-boxes, installation of water service locating equipment for the properties along IL Route 25 and clean-up/restoration throughout the entire project. 

Week of December 21, 2015

The contractor has completed all of the main work for this project and will continue to work on punch list items as the weather allows.  The landscape restoration has been completed for the majority of the project area.  The City will be completing a complete landscape inspection in the spring after the temperatures are warm enough to allow the grass seed that was planted to grow and ample time for the areas to fill in appropriately.  Once this final landscaping inspection is completed the contractor will repair any areas that need attention.  Updates for this project will only be posted du

Week of December 7, 2015

All roadway paving work was completed last week.  The contractor will be out this week working on landscape restoration and other miscellaneous remaining items.  There will be lane closures during this work and flaggers will be directing traffic around the work during this time.


Week of November 30, 2015

Paving work began today on N. 5th Avenue.  Today the contractor will be working to mill off the top pavement surface from North Avenue to Johnor Lane.   This will be followed by placement of fresh oil on the roadway on Tuesday and paving the remainder of the week.  The roadway will be open to one lane of traffic during this time, with flaggers directing traffic during this work. There will be delays during this work. Once the pavement is completed pavement marking will be placed.
