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Project News

Update - 08/02/17

Work continues on the solar plant.  The racks for the solar panels are 75% installed.  Work on the substation fence, other minor substation items, and landscape restoration will commence after the solar plant installation is completed.

The solar plant is expected to be connected to the grid and feeding power to St. Charles in September, even though some of the elements of the substation will not be completed until spring of 2018.

Update - 7/13/17

Friday, July 14th thru Friday, July 21st  -  The contractor will continue concrete curb, sidewalk and driveway replacements and begin utility repairs.  Each business with proposed driveway repairs will be contacted to coordinate the work and property access.

Update - 7/11/17

The grading for the solar site is completed, and solar panel deliveries are expected in the next two weeks.  Solar production is scheduled to begin in August or September.

Inside the substation, the majority of the site work is done and equipment for the substation is beginning to be set.  Substation target completion and in-service in spring of 2018.
